Friday 28 August 2015

Harvest Joy

It is the child in man that is the source of his uniqueness and creativity
and the playground is the optimal milieu for the unfolding 
of his capacities and talents.
- Eric Hoffer, American moral and social philosopher

I do believe we have the cutest harvest crew!

With harvest in full swing on our colony, I've had the joy of watching this crew of little farmers 'bringing in the sheaves', right in front of our house. Listening to them I get the impression this is not play, but every bit as important as the men working in the field. And of course it is. They love 'working' together, sometimes for most of the day and they feel each plays an important role during their harvest season. One day I asked why they weren't threshing. One of the boys replied, "Some of the boys are missing, so we can't." They also know on most mornings, they can't start till the dew is gone, "doesn't work to thresh when it's wet." my nephew, (in the orange and black shirt) informed me.

Another fact they're happy to point out is that their piece of equipment or vehicle is "just like my uncle's', or some other guy on the colony. I'm pretty sure they're even wondering why the meals are not brought to them the way it's done for the men in the field.

If this is not one of the best playgrounds in the world, then I don't know what is; wide open spaces to play and explore, your friends are always close by and there are a variety of things to do year round.

With all this farm fun, most of our students are actually excited about the start of the new school year. I just hope they get all their crops off till then.


  1. My nephew had a wonderful collection of farm machinery and a whole room in the farm house to turn into his fantasy farm.

    My son, who didn't grow up on a farm, loved to join his cousin in the kind of play you describe here.

    My nephew now is the CEO of a three-farm operation he took over from his parents. My son is the co-founder of a company that is growing rapidly. It has nothing to do with farming, but it has a lot to do with strategy and management and fun.

    What we play matters.

  2. So true, Shirley! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. It's the same all over. It must be born into them but I guess little boys walk in their fathers footsteps. I could argue that we have the cutest harvest crew but we won't lol. Thanks for sharing Linda

  4. Thanks, Lydia! Of course we all think we have the cutest kids...and we're all right. So why argue? (: It just shows our immense love for them. All children are very special!

  5. Being a proud mother of three boys has always seemed adventurous in every way. We live right outside the city and as I watch them play in the fields they always seem to be mimicking adult situations during play time. Playtime is really when their personality unfolds and you get to see them as little adults solving problems and working together as a team.

    Heidi Sutton @ Ag Source Magazine

  6. They're having a lot of fun 'mimicking adult situations' but are learning so much along the way. I will never tire of watching this. Thanks for stopping by, Heidi.


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