Friday 18 November 2011

It's in the Bag!

We're ecstatic to announce that our school won another park bench through Take Pride Winnipeg's Bag Up Manitoba contest. Each school that participates also receives frisbees made from plastic bags. To learn more about this go to Bag Fever, one of my Oct. post. We collected 15,709 bags.

 Tom Ethans, with Take Pride Winnipeg, has written a book, 'Timmy the Tumble Bag' to help teach children about recycling and keeping our community and the world clean and safe.

 Displayed proudly on our school porch are two of these beautiful and sturdyTrex park benches.
Our heartfelt thanks to Take Pride Winnipeg for hosting this easy to do, yet worthwhile and educational contest!


Thanks for stopping by my blog and for sharing your thoughts!!