Monday 26 February 2018

Winter Art

Living in Manitoba, we're used to whatever winter throws at us: snow, sleet, blizzards, ice and extreme cold, -40 degrees C cold! This year we had a long stretch where the extreme cold conditions just didn't want to let up. There were even a few days when the schools were closed due to the weather. However, we do not have a lot of snow, at least not in our area. We're usually able to make a big snow pile for the children to play on. So far, we've not been able to do that.

So, we planned a field trip and took the students to Valley View Bible Camp, where they have a huge hill for sliding. (More on that in a later post.)

Still embracing winter, throughout the last few months our art teacher, Elma did some neat art work with her students. There are too many to post all pictures, so here are a few samples for you to enjoy:

Walking in the Snow



Winter Trees - Water Colour






I've numbered the pieces just for the purpose of identifying them, as the students didn't choose a title for them. I like all of the winter pictures posted on our hall bulletin board at the moment, but there's always one or two that stand out, or speak to me. Of all things winter, snow covered bare trees always show COLD the best. And my favorite piece is #6; five trees huddling together, trying to stay warm. 

What is your favourite? Feel free to share why you like that one best.


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