Friday, 9 March 2012

Hutterites and Hobbies - wooden toys

Hutterites enjoy and excell at a variety of hobbies. These include: painting, crocheting, quilting, scrapbooking, intarsia, photography and many more.
Today I will feature some pieces from my cousin, Alvin's woodworking collection. I'm always amazed by the detail of every toy and can only imagine how much time and patience each one requires.


  1. Wow that is impressive.
    I was talking with my Manitoba based uncle James, and he figures everyone needs a hobby, even its just to escape the “bad things in life”, for him its taxidermy, basically, lately anyway. He’s got a point though. I just home he doesn’t do it in the basement at home

  2. Nice, you have a Manitoba connection...well, not the taxidermy part. In any case, if your uncle has a wife, the basement would not be his hobby hideaway, I would think. (-:


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