
Hutterite Diaries Feedback

I'm always grateful when I hear what people say about Hutterite Diaries, so am dedicating this page to feedback from readers. Thank you so much for reading my book and for sharing your thoughts! If there's ever another book, it's because of people like you. You really are the wind in my sail... or the ink in my pen.

"I just finished reading your Hutterite Diaries book. Your interest in our Hutterite history somewhat sparked the same interest in me. I've been reaching for Hutterite history books ever since! Your book opened my eyes to how truly  our forefathers fought for what we still have today! What we have is so special and rare. Again, you did a great job!" Diane S.

"Thank-you for your book Hutterite Diaries.  I read it as I had never heard of the Hutterites.  I lived for a period of time near the Mennonites and I had studied the Amish.  I hope you write more books on your lifestyle/culture it is very interesting.  Thank-you!"  Tawnya J.

"You deserve a medal (gold that is) for your book, Hutterite Diaries. I could relate so much of your book through the experiences  I had with the three colonies I worked with during my public health nurse days." Islay J.

"I just finished reading your book and wanted to let you know that I thoroughly enjoyed every page!  I've had a strong admiration for the Hutterite culture for years and I hope one day to make a visit to a colony.  You're such wonderful people!" Mark B.


 "I read Linda's book and enjoyed it so much I read it through twice. I especially enjoyed the history part of it." Susanna G.

"I just finished reading "Hutterite Diaries" and found it very good. I was glad you included the historical part, as much of that was material I didn't know before (although I did use to teach history to grade 8s and 9s.) I was also happy to see the chapter about Judith and her horse, since I know her and I saw her ride her horse one year at the MacGregor Fair. The cover is terrific! Best of luck with this book." Donna G.

"Awesome piece of work, Linda! I think I read it in two sittings." Joseph W.

"If you enjoy books about the Plain people, I recommend you grab a copy of this book, you won't be sorry. If you're like me and don't really care for non-fiction, try this book, it will feel like you are chatting with an old friend." Andrea T.

"I knew about "Amish" , but not the "Hutterites", so being able to learn about the difficulties the Hutterites had to go through, SHOULD make us a little more compassionate for those who walk a different path. This is a wonderful book, and I enjoyed reading it. C. Carney
"I wish this book would have many more chapters." Linda W.
Frugality, simplicity and a strong faith are qualities I identified with growing up Mennonite in Lancaster County, PA during the 1950s. Linda Maendel has painted in bold colors a realistic picture of life in a similar culture, her Hutterite colony near Winnipeg, Manitoba. Maendel is a consummate storyteller, a quality students in her German and English classes must relish. Through wit, humor, and an authentic voice, Linda Maendel is giving her Hutterite community a legacy to savor and to those yet to come a road map to follow. Marian B. 
"Reading your book was like walking around your colony with my mom and dad telling me stories." Maggie 
"I don't know if Hutterites have fireplaces, but it was like I was sitting by a fire and Linda was   sharing stories about her life with me." Anonymous
"Linda Maendel wrote her book in a way that makes the reader feel they are visiting with an old friend, sharing stories and chuckling over something funny that happened that day. Not only did the author inform and describe how she lives, she went a step further and explained why the Hutterite people do things the way they do. Hutterite Diaries is an educational and fun book to read. There are pictures throughout the book, and the author has an easy, entertaining way of writing. I had a hard time putting it down, and highly recommend it!" The Loose Screw
"I love the rich Hutterian culture just oozing out of every single sentence. I think my students immediately recognized and connected with the 'Hutterite-ism' as soon as I started reading it to them." Ray W.
 "Linda's engaging style and skillful telling of these heartwarming stories will help you enter into life on a modern Hutterite colony, while giving you glimpses into the Hutterites' rich and tumultuous history and their unwavering faith." Terrie T. 

"Hutterite Diaries is the best Hutterite literature I've read in a very long time." Lydia H.
"This is a very beautifully written book about life on a Hutterite Colony. Linda writes with an ease that makes you feel as if she is speaking directly to you. This is a meaningful "diary" that will find an important spot in my library.' Susan S.
 "It's a privilege, indeed, to be given such a personal and touching glimpse into another's culture and lifestyle." Amber S.
 "A lovely book. Part memoir, part journal, part history, the story weaves these separate elements into a fascinating account of Hutterite life. The themes of loyalty, christian commitment in community and the difficulties and joys of community life are all eloquently explored. This is not sociology or propaganda, the book is honest and moving." Thomas P.
"I enjoyed this book immensely. This is a enjoyable book that tells about what it is like to live in a Hutterite community and some of the history behind this way of life. This book is written by someone who is a Hutterite not just someone who has studied the lifestyle." J. Hall
 "She has a great writing style. You'll be intrigued from the very beginning, and won't want to put this down. If you have interest in learning about other cultures and peoples, or biographies, or like hearing friends tell good stories, you'll want to pick up this book." Amanda T.
This book really goes in depth about the Hutterites' ways and their customs, as well as a lot of history! That actually was one of my favorite parts - the history, where they came from and why. If you are the least bit curious about other ways of life - you will enjoy this one!" Wall-to-Wall Books
   "Think short articles you might find in the human interest section of a newspaper. And each one captures her faith-filled spirit and no-nonsense attitude. A winning combination." Kav

 "If you're looking for information on the Hutterites, Hutterian history, or just a glimpse into a simpler, sweeter lifestyle, this is your book. I imagine anyone who enjoys reading about the Amish and Mennonites will like this book. You may also want to check out Linda's blog!" Jennifer S.
 Linda Maendel gives us a good glimpse into a Hutterite colony. A great read for those interested in seeing how the Hutterites live. L.

Feel free to add your own thoughts in the comment section. Thanks!


  1. Excellent book by a gifted writer, put this one on your reading list! Mark Beckert

    1. Thank you very much, Mark! I appreciate your kind words!


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