
About Me

I feel blessed to have lived on  a Hutterite Colony my entire life. We live in Christian community as outlined in Acts chapter 2: "And all those who had believed were together and had all things in common..." 

I work in our school as an Educational Assistant. I teach German and English to students in grades K-8. In my spare time few things bring me more joy than writing. I'm grateful to be able to string some words together to create stories and poems in English, German or Hutterisch to share with others.

I've written one German children's book, 'Lindas gluecklicher Tag' and have translated a set of five Bible Story books into our Hutterisch language, with the help of a Wycliffe Bible Translator/Linguist, Dick Mueller. Most recently, I published a book, Hutterite Diaries with Herald Press and a story in Chicken Soup for the Soul, Spirit of Canada. The books are available on Amazon and HB Book Centre


  1. Looking forward to learning to know u better! would love to hear more about ur life as a Hutterite, ur day-to-day life and would love to see photo's of ur colony!

  2. How do u make separate "tabs" (like about me, etc.) on blogger?

    It is hard to leave comments w/ the word verification. can u think about taking it off? That might be why more people are not leaving u comments! Just a suggestion!

  3. Anonomous, You can go to Blogger help if you need to figure something out.
    No, I will not think about taking word verification off, have been there, done that, don't like it. I want to monitor comments and be able decide what to publish and what to delete - don't need spam. But thanks for your comment.

  4. Hi. I love the prints in the ladies dresses on American Colony. Do you know where or similar fabrics come from? Love reading your blog.

  5. Cyndy, probably some whole sale fabric place.

  6. I had my first encounter with a family of Hutterites and had the most amazing experience with them. You see long story short we were traveling, got into trailer trouble and just happen to happen in front of the homes of these most amazing people who left their family function to help us and get us on our way, took over 4 hrs to repair. When it was all over they took to their shop gave us a beer and only asked for a Christmas card at Christmas time. We would like to doing some special for them but do not know what to do. We live 2000 km away, so I am kindly asking for some ideas so we can show our appreciation for what they did for us. Do not want to do something that is inappropriate as we are English (I think we are called) forgive me for my ignorance. We did stop back in on our way home from our travel and gave something to the men, but I would like to know what the women and children would like as they are the ones that had to put up with the Dads busy helping strangers. Ideas for the men would be helpful too. Thank you for taking the time to read this, looking forward to hearing back. That Christmas will be coming for sure.

    Kristy & Phil (stranded Ontario travellers)

  7. Hi Christy,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog and for sharing your encounter with Hutterites. Great to hear! If you would email me, (click on 'contact me' on the sidebar)I will try to help. Till I hear from you I will try to come up with a list you can choose from...shouldn't be too hard. (:

  8. Hi, I’m working on a project that includes a few lines spoken in Hutterisch. Would you be interested in sending a voice recording or video of a few sentences so I can accurately portray the language? We can also have a phone call if that's easier for you. If so, I’ll pass along the specific sentences. Please let me know if you have any questions and I really appreciate your time!


    1. Hi Cameron,
      Before we go into your request, may I please know more about you and your project. You may email me using 'contact me' in the sidebar. Thanks.

  9. Are you from Alberta? My grandparents had a farm right by the Holt Colony in Alberta and they really helped my grandparents out when they got older and at their funerals I was not able to thank them. Can I just go to the colony (not on a Sunday) and thank them? I tried calling but received no answer

    1. I'm in Manitoba. Yes, just go to the colony and thank them. I' m sure they would appreciate that very much.

  10. Well done Linda. Kudos to Hutterite Diaries for revealing the "nuts and bolts" of daily life on the colony and your personal joys and struggles. When I taught at Elm River it was a wonderful experience which I hoped would allow you, Elma, and everyone to accomplish anything. I did not realize that my own Mennonite roots would reveal themselves over time and I am using Ancestry to trace back family history to Russia. As you know the Mennonites got to the southern Ukraine first and helped the Brethren to settle across the river. I believe there are many Hutterites and Mennonites who did not leave and are now residing in Siberia. I have a few questions. Is cousin Judith from Baker? I know you are related to Ben over at Better Air where they have horses and a pond. We were guests for a wonderful meal in the dining room. The three sons of Maria Hofer must be Reuben, Ike and Zack? Both Mennonites and Amana helped the Hutterites yet were absorbed into the larger society but this isn't necessarily negative. My grandpa left the West Reserve for Saskatchewan in 1917, and then Canada for Paraguay in 1927 only to return when his father died of typhoid in 1928. They were trying to avoid education in English by non Mennonite teachers. In this way my mother's family also experienced the Church trying to keep the "world" or progress at bay. A couple weeks ago I met my mother's first cousins, two who reimmigrated back to Canada and are living in Winnipeg, and one from Paraguay. I also enjoyed reading the blog of your travels. Please give my best wishes to your family and everyone on the colony. Are you familiar with this journal? If not it is worth a look. Remember Mrs. Faye Brown. Wasn't she a great teacher? -Dale

    1. Thanks, Dale. Yes, Maria Hofer's sons are Rueban, Ike and Zack.
      Judith is indeed from Baker. When were you there?
      I agree, Mrs. Brown was a wonderful teacher.
      I'm glad you enjoyed my book and blog.

  11. Sorry, Dale, forgot to answer the question re the website. No, I don't know this site, but I'll check it out. Thanks!

  12. Hello Linda
    My name is Amanda and I just finished your book Hutterite Diaries
    It is an amazing book, I am
    Drawn to your way of life and have read many books and watched many documentaries about Hutterite life !
    I live in ontario with my husband and two children a boy and girl a aged 9 and 8.
    I would love to converse with you more if you would let me or anther person in your community.
    I look forward to speaking with you again

    1. Thanks Anonomous Mommy. You may email me with the contact form to the right of this post.

  13. Hi Linda, I'm in the process of writing a book about my life. Ever since I've picked up your book, I've had a longing of writing a book about myself too. Got any tips I could use?

    1. Hi Anon, If I may ask, are you a Hutterite? You may answer privately by clicking on the appropriate link to the right.

    2. Hi Linda, Yes I'm a Hutterite.

  14. Anon. Send me a private message and I'll try to answer your question.

    1. Hi Linda, How can I send a private message?

    2. Hi Linda, Please don't use my name in your comments. Please refer to me as Anonymous!
      Thank you!

  15. I don't know your name, so, of course I can't use. If you want to send me a private message here's how: Open my blog on a computer. On the right sidebar you will see a form that says 'contact me,. Have a lovely weekend.


Thanks for stopping by my blog and for sharing your thoughts!!