
Friday, 1 May 2015

Another 17 Days Till...

...Hutterite Diaries is released! I think May 18 will be stuck in my head along with all the birthdays I remember. 

If I want to be honest, I have to say, while this certainly is exciting, it's also somewhat nerve-wracking. After working on this project for so long, letting it go is a little bit hard. I keep wondering if I could have done some things better, or what else I could have added, and, and and. 

I tried to explain this feeling to a friend a while back, and she responded, "It's normal to have those feelings. This is your baby and as every mother knows, there's always some anxiety about giving that baby its wings. It's no different with your book." It's true, up until now I was hovering over it, now I have to let go...and hope it will help people understand our way of life a little better, maybe be inspired, or simply enjoy reading it.

If you follow this blog, you'll know this book has received some heart-warming endorsements; for which I'm very grateful. If you missed them you can click on Hutterite Diaries in the labels. There's also one review on Goodreads. And it can still be pre-ordered for a special price on Amazon. Quite a few people have told me they've placed their orders. These orders will only be shipped after the book releases, of course. The advantage is, you get it for a reduced price. 

These days has me looking forward to opening a box for the first glimpse of 'my baby' in the form of a tree-book. When exactly, I don't know, but hopefully soon! You can be sure, I'll let you know when that happens. I've already seen an e-version of it quite a while back. That too was exciting! Yes, it will also be available as an ebook. 

If you decide to get this book, I would appreciate hearing your thoughts. You may leave them as a comment or email me through 'contact me' in the side bar. I'm looking forward to hearing from many of you. 

I'll end this post with another endorsement: 

 “Hutterite Diaries is a welcome and long overdue contribution that fills a void in the daily events of a Hutterite. This book reveals a way of life that seems extraordinary to the outside world.”                    -Paul M. Wipf, farm steward, Viking Hutterite Colony


  1. Excited for you, Linda, and thanks for info on where to order. I will place my order today. Susan

  2. Good to hear from you, Susan! Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book. One chapter will be very familiar to you. (:

  3. Linda, it feels like forever since we've caught up in the blogosphere! But I've been seeing this book floating around, and I just wanted to offer my congratulations on its upcoming release. :D It sounds like you put a lot of thought and care into it, and I think that's wonderful that you're offering this glimpse into your community. Wishing you the best! And again, many congratulations on the fruit of all your hard work.


  4. Thanks so much, Amber! I appreciate your sweet words. Yes, it's been too long since we touched base...but we can remedy that. (:

  5. That is going to be such a great feeling when you're holding it in your hands and it's finally been released! Just for an FYI, when I've pre-ordered books on Amazon before, they must send them the day before or so, because they've always arrived on the day they're released, so that's a plus. Can't wait. :)

  6. Now wouldn't it be too funny if you got a copy, before me? Or not. (:

  7. If I get my copy first, I'll let you borrow it. LOL Just remember us little people when you're rich and famous. ;)

  8. I don't think anybody gets rich, never mind famous with one book. In any case, I'll keep my blog, where you'll comment from time to time, to ensure I'll never forget you. (:

  9. I don't think anybody gets rich, never mind famous with one book. In any case, I'll keep my blog, where you'll comment from time to time, to ensure I'll never forget you. (:

  10. Linda, just wanted you to know that I pre-ordered your book and I was told it would not ship until the last week in June. Now it's another month to wait. Patience.

  11. Well that's strange. I will look into that and get back to you. In the mean time, if anybody else has pre-ordered, please let me know when you get your copy...or if you heard the same thing Susan has. Thanks!

  12. Linda, Amazon just updated delivery of "the book" to arrive between May14-18. I am very happy.

  13. Great to hear, Susan! Thanks for letting me know!

  14. Linda, I am so thrilled. "THE BOOK" arrived today. It looks beautiful and I can hardly wait to find a quiet time to sit down and read.

  15. Wonderful! Enjoy the read, Susan.


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