
Tuesday, 28 April 2015

Prairie Sounds Festival

Last week found most of our students participating in the Prairie Sounds Speech Arts Festival. They all enjoyed it, even though they had to deal with nerves performing in front of an adjudicator. From a teacher's perspective, I know they learned a lot about stage presence, pronunciation, performing, projecting their voice... And it was great to see that what they'd learned in the weeks leading up to the festival they were able to apply...despite the nerves. We're proud of each one of our students, they all performed very well!

Our students were not the only Hutterites taking part, Fairholme, Baker and Good Hope colony students were there as well. They too did an admirable job. My personal favourite was Hadassah Maendel, when she performed The Sculptures. I could have easily listened to her for an hour or more.

Three of our students were winners in their categories: Grade one winner, Sophia Waldner, front row, first girl to the right. Grade 5 winner, Stephan Maendel, partially hidden behind the girl in a blue dress in the front row. Both performed a poem and won a cash prize of $50 each. Daria Hofer, grade 8, far right in the picture is going to perform her prose reading at provincials next month. Well done!!

Taking in the Finals, where all the students in this picture performed either poetry, prose, a prepared speech piano or sang a song, was a delightful experience. Thanks everybody for putting your hearts into your performances - it made all the difference!

For more on this story click here.

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