
Monday, 20 April 2015

Hutterites and/or their Writings Featured in Local Newspapers

Click on this link: A New Venture to read an interesting article featuring a friend of mine, Paul Wipf, the farm manager at Viking Colony in Alberta, Canada. The article appeared in the Country Guide, "Canada’s oldest farm publication, with roots back to 1886, Country Guide is about the business of farming, providing farmers with strategic business thinking."

The Manitoba Co-operator is a Manitoba based farm paper, "with roots going back to 1925, the Co-operator is an institution in Manitoba, received by most farmers in the province. Each weekly issue contains production, marketing and policy news selected for relevance to crops and livestock producers in Manitoba. The Co-operator also has Manitoba’s largest and most popular farm classified section. The Co-operator’s website provides daily agriculture news, event listings and a daily newsletter.
Manitoba Co-operator is published by Farm Business Communications with offices in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario."

From time-to-time the Manitoba Co-operator kindly publishes pieces written by Hutterites. Over the years, I've had a number of articles featured within their pages. I'm happy to say, the most recent one is in this April 16 edition: Earth Day Should Be Celebrated Every Day. Part of this article is an excerpt from my upcoming book, Hutterite Diaries, which will be available in book stores in about a month from today! You may also be able to read it on their online edition soon. I can't see it there yet...when looking for it just click on the above Manitoba Cooperator link, then go to the Crossroads section.

My sincere thanks to John Morriss, Editorial Director for taking an interest in Hutterite writings and publishing them in this long-standing and popular farm paper!

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