
Friday, 17 April 2015

A Few 'Hutterite Diaries' Updates

The release of my book, Hutterite Diaries is now just a month away - May 18! If you are interested in reviewing it, click here, as it's available through Net Galley.

The reviews are starting to come in. I was just informed you can read one of them on Goodreads.  

Here's another heartwarming endorsement. This one from Canadian Author, Sigmund Brouwer, Thief of Glory and over 100 children's and adult books. I know this author personally; he's done a captivating presentation at our school.

“I so much enjoyed the chance to step into the Hutterite community and feel a part of it. Linda Maendel’s delightful use of the power of story makes Hutterite Diaries the type of book that is universal and enduring.” 

Got an email from a friend in Europe, telling me he pre-ordered my book and that he can't wait to read it. It's still available for the special pre-order price on Amazon. 
I'm planning an early June book launch at McNally Robinson in Winnipeg. Will post the details next month sometime. Yes, exciting times ahead! Can't wait to get the first glimpse of my own author copies! 


  1. I am so excited for you, Linda! If only I lived closer, I'd be there at your first book signing cheering you on. Can't wait to read it!

  2. Thanks for your support, Beth. Looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book.


Thanks for stopping by my blog and for sharing your thoughts!!