
Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Snapshot Muse #21 - Ode to Joy

As you may by now, I'm serving on the International Conference of Hutterite Educators committee this year. As I've said in the past, I'm honoured to do this, and I enjoy my work as Registrar, because it's exciting to be part of a team to bring you this amazing event. Plus, I'm looking forward to meeting all these people who've registered. Many I know already, but there are also quite a few who I'll finally be able to put a face to the name at the conference. Besides all that, it's wonderful to work with our dedicated and hard-working committee. To be sure we have our share of laughs, too. But that's a given with guys like Adrian and George on board!

I have to say, we do work together well as a team. Here some of us were working on our last mailing for the conference; this one to all Hutterite German teachers Canada and the US. I sure hope it bears a lot of fruit, especially for Kenny's sake.  He was the one who kindly offered to lick all those eveolopes and as far as I know that adhesive strip still doesn't come with some fabulous taste like Cappuccino or Strawberry Ice-Cream. Nevertheless, there he was, sealing all those envelopes with a kiss - a task nobody else envied him for. Thank you, Kenny. I'm sure you were stuck with that awful taste for a few days anyway.

My song, Ode to Joy... along with a beautiful demonstration of working together.

On that note, I'm hopeful, that by the time August rolls around we'll have a group of  enthused educators to bring you ICHE 2016. I dedicate this song to them...whoever they may be! There really is joy in the journey!

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