
Monday, 23 June 2014

Brennan School - Big Ticker Award

I'm delighted to say, that is our school! This award is presented to the school with the greatest percentage increase in fundraising participants for JUMP from one year to the next. David and Ruth Asper from Winnipeg are the sponsors. Besides the beautiful framed certificate, we also received a $1400.00 cheque to go towards gym equipment or health education. This award was a complete surprise - we weren't aware that it existed, never mind that we were even in the running.

Here to present the award were, Catherine Newham, Program Coordinator for Portage and area, Sue Punter, Vice President Fund Development at Heart and Stroke and Heather Carrol, Provincial Manager of Community Programs.

We've been involved in the Heart and Stroke Foundation's Jump Rope for heart for many years. For a few years we even had a Demo Team - The Brennan Heartbeats. We traveled to different colony school to demonstrate skipping skills to help jump start their own skipping program.

Our students always enjoy these Jump Rope for Heart events, which we usually host at our school in early March, after they have practiced their skipping skills for a few weeks. It's an excellent program, because it promotes health and fitness and the fundraising aspect teaches students the importance of empathy and philanthropy.

Catherine Newham, Heather Percy, Sue Punter and one of teachers, Robert Maendel

Our sincere thanks to the 
Heart and Stroke Foundation of MB, 
the Asper Foundation, 
and Catherine Newham, 
who is a frequent visitor at our school 
and who was just as surprised and delighted
as we were to be the recipients of this prestigious award.
Also, our students for skipping their hearts out
every other year!


  1. Congratulations! Our school won this award a couple years ago.

  2. Catherine Newham24 June 2014 at 03:51

    Congratulations again to an outstanding little school... You have always been such great advocates for our Jump Rope For Heart Program .... I hope you enjoy a great summer Linda.

  3. Congratulations! I have no doubt that it is well deserved.


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