

Hutterites have always been recycling and reusing -- even long before it became trendy and the'green' thing to do. I sometimes chuckle and say, "Now the rest of the world is catching up." Beside the Biblical aspect of it' 'being good stewards of the earth' this probably also stems from the days when things were not so readily available - when everybody was taught to be thrifty, simply because times were hard and it was just good common sense to not be wasteful.  "I'm a child of the 'dirty thirties'." my mom always says. Even though we're living in better times, we never abandoned reusing and recycling - it's an integral part of our communal life. However, I do feel that there's still room for improvement.

I'll be adding visual samples and stories of re-purposing a variety of materials on this page from time to time. For a classic example of Hutterite recycling read 'Weathered-Wood Lessons'. I'm hoping this page will inspire you to give some 'piece of junk', a new life. If you already are, Keep up the Good Work!

Crafty Hutterite Recycling Solutions: (the links that are not clickable have not yet been posted - stay tuned)

One Bag from Fifty

From Swatches to Quilts

Baler Twine and Fortel Clothes Woven into Mat

Tin Can Footstool

From Clothes to Cushy Fortrel Floormat

From Sweater to Rug

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Recycling Wood Pieces - Intarsia

Winter Windows

Birdhouses from plastic Bags

Don't Throw Out that Coke Bottle 

Recycling Old Wall Calendars