
Snapshot Muse

 Snapshot Muse blogposts are pictures, the story behind them and a connection to a song it brought to my mind.  

I decided to add this page with all of these posts, and while putting it together, I noticed that some are missing. I have no idea why. Perhaps I deleted them when I did some 'Blog spring cleaning' a few weeks ago. I don't usually get a lot of comments on my blog, but most of my Snapshot Muse Posts prompted a few people to share their thoughts. So that was another reason I felt inspired to continue with this series. Another thing I noticed was that my initial plan was to post something on a weekly basis, but obviously that didn't happen.  On that note, I'll keep adding posts to this series, and see if I can make it to 52 this year.

  1. I'll Fly Away
  2. Then Sings my Soul
  3. The Wind was like Sand in my Face
  4. The Wonders of Winter
  5. Eine Kleine Geige Moecht ich haben
  6. Weil ich Jesu Schaeflein Bin
  7. There's an old Log Cabin for Sale
  8. Pets
  9. I Come to the Garden Alone
  10. Eastern Sky in Bloom
  11. God put a Rainbow in the Clouds for Me
  12. Joy is like the Rain
  13. The Old Cow Man
  14. Vessels of Mercy
  15. Winter Ade
  16. Maple Syrup
  17. Mighty Ocean Teach Me
  18. Abide with Me
  19. Geh' aus mein Herz und Suche Freud
  20. The River
  21. Ode to Joy
  22. Shall We Gather at the River
  23. Himmel, Erde, Luft und Meer
  24.  Geh' aus mein Herz und Suche Freud
  25.  On the Wings of a Snow White Dove
  27. Simple Gifts 
  28. HeWhispers Sweet Peace to Me

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