
Thursday, 4 February 2016

Recycling Old Wall Calendars

It's been too long since I've posted anything on recycling, one of the things I'm passionate about. Since this is the beginning of a year, when we all have old wall calendars around, I thought I would do something with some of ours.

At our school we collect old wall calendars - every family on the colony sends theirs over, so we get LOTS.  We use them for art projects, and always keep our eyes and ears open for new ideas. Sometimes we make make pretty windows, as seen in this blogpost. I did that with my Kindergarten class this year as well; the students loved making their four season windows, which now proudly displayed on our school bulletin board. Here's one of them.

I've also used wall calendars to make envelopes and thought for sure I had posted them some time ago. But I can't seem to find them now. I must not have labeled that post properly. 

Yesterday I found the neatest idea yet! It's about turning wall calendars into gift bags. I was so excited, I went to work right away and made the one below in mere minutes. The handle is a left over piece of macrame cord. It was thicker than I would have liked, but that was the best I could find at the moment. In any case, it serves the purpose quite well.  

  My gift bag turned out rather nicely, if I do say so myself. I used a fairly big wall calendar for this one, but am planning to make some with smaller calendars as well. They're easy and fun to make! Hey, having fun being creative, giving something old, a new life and saving a few cents when you need a gift bag. Works for me! Oh, and did I mention, I think it's pretty?

I'm not going to explain how it's done here, but direct you to the website where I found it. It has clear written directions and a video as well. Just click here: I Do Have Talent. (That's the name of the website, and not me saying I have talent:) There are also some other cool ideas for recycling old wall calendars at Tipsaholico

Do you some wonderful recycling ideas you'd like to share? Please! I'd love to hear them.  

44 minutes later:

OK, I'm a little excited here... I know, some days all it takes is a little recycling. Anyway, I just finished making that smaller gift bag I talked about earlier and couldn't resist sharing it right away as well. Too cute! I'm sure you agree. Love the farm theme on both sides. (Yes, it takes two pictures to make one bag.) Now all I need is a farmer who I'd like to present with a gift.

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