
Thursday, 17 December 2015

Christmas Blessings!

“It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…” And I love it! I know, many don’t share my excitement over snow, but I sure didn’t want to see a snow-less Christmas. So yes, I’m very happy about the lovely snow decking the outdoors; so pretty and peaceful!
“Peace on Earth." is what the angels proclaimed so long ago. Today we hear the phrase in songs and read it in cards and we wonder if there’ll ever be peace on earth, what with all the unrest in so many places. Even though peace can be felt in our little corner of the universe, there are so many for whom peace is but a dream. Hopefully many will have this dream realized as they make their home in new countries. It's impossible not to think about the refugees, as we enjoy our own Christmas festivities.

This year has been an exciting one for me, as my book Hutterite Diaries was published in May. It has been so rewarding to read reviews and hear from people via phone calls, email and through my blog. I’m humbled each time someone tells me how much they’ve enjoyed my book. Recently writers have asked me if they can use Hutterite Diaries excerpts for their websites and newspaper columns. Click here to read one by author and columnist, Melodie Davies, Herald Press. This one appeared in eight different newspapers. 
Yesterday we had our annual Christmas program. Practicing for this event is always a frantic time, and yes, at times also frustrating. But it’s so worth all the hard work by both students and teachers. It’s a wonderful opportunity to share the Christmas message with songs, poems and plays! From all accounts it was an enjoyable evening for everybody -- there were happy, sad, hilarious, 'Bah Humbug' and 'Aaahhh' moments. Although blustery and cold outside, inside we were warm and cozy and grateful to have this peaceful and joyous time together, celebrating the birth of Jesus.

As part of our school Christmas festivities we always make gifts for each family on the colony. A few years ago it was the bird on a tree ornament you see above. This year we created these wall hangings. They’re all ready to be delivered in a day or so. These gifts are always made by the older students and the teachers. My little contribution was adding the decoration at the top. It took me a few afternoons – a relaxing few hours away from hectic practices; settled in a quiet classroom, Christmas music playing… and being creative. Heavenly! 

Wishing you peace, love and joy for Christmas and the New Year!


  1. Merry Christmas and wishing you only good things for 2016, Hugs!

  2. Thanks, Katherine! Christmas greeting to you and your family as well.


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