
Saturday, 13 June 2015

Hutterite Diaries - a month after being released

It's now just about a month since Hutterite Diaries was released. Back then I said, "Along with the excitement, I have some trepidations as well." I kept second guessing myself: maybe I should have done this chapter differently, added this story, left this one out... Then, I also wasn't sure how this book would be received - some days I didn't want to find out, on other days I was eager to know.

I'm delighted to say, though, the last month has proved to me, that there are many, many people who were excited to read a Hutterite-written book. I'm surprised how many people said they've never heard about Hutterites before. I'm grateful that my book is giving people a glimpse of our communal life and that Hutterites and non-Hutterites alike enjoy the stories I shared.

My 'front cover girls' enjoying McNally Robinson

June 12, on our school  field trip, we had some time before our first destination, a tour of the Manitoba Legislature Building. So, we stopped in at McNally Robinson Booksellers in Winnipeg to sign some of my books for them. Joining me in the store were my four 'front cover girls'. They enjoyed browsing around the store and looking at all the neat products - besides books, they have many other neat things, like baby stuff, scarves, t-shirts and collectables.

 I love this picture my sister, Elma took of the girls on the spiral staircase, with the bestseller book display in the foreground. This was still last week's display. Later that day, I learned that Hutterite Diaries is on their bestseller list for the second week now. Again, thanks to everyone who bought a copy of my book at the Winnipeg Grant Park McNally Robinson - you helped make it a bestseller for three weeks in a row!

Of course, the book is available in other stores as well, and I'm also grateful if you got your copy at one of these places. There are a few Manitoba bookstores that carry Hutterite Diaries now. Heartfelt thanks to:


  1. Whoa, Linda. That is so exciting. I'm glad for you! Thanks for sharing,

  2. I finally got my copy of the book last week. I'm really enjoying it. It is a very good combination of factual information on the hutterite life and story telling. Thank you for writing it.

    1. Thanks for letting me know, Cynthia. Enjoy the book.

  3. I finished reading the book. I'm glad you put in a chapter about the persecution of Anabaptists including Hutterites in Europe. So many people are not aware of this part of Christian history. I also wanted to say that I know what it is like to miss your father. My father passed away unexpectedly when he was only 69 years old. You never stop missing them.

  4. So glad to hear that you are happy with the reception of your book so far. I enjoy posts that describe an author's journey. You are lucky to have good bookstores in Canada!


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