
Monday, 18 May 2015

Hutterite Diaries Release Date Giveaways! (CLOSED)

There's icy rain pelting my window as I write, but I refuse to let it dampen my spirits. For I'm in a bit of a festive mood these days. No, not because of Victoria Day, a Canadian holiday which happens to fall on this date as well. 

The release date of my book has finally arrived. With the festive mood is also a heart full of gratitude for everybody who has supported me on this journey. Herald Press, the publisher, of course played a huge part in this venture. My sincere thanks to everybody there who had a hand in getting this book ready for the printer. It was especially enriching and enjoyable working closely with my editor, Valerie Weaver-Zercher and marketer, Jerilyn Schrock. 

I've had many people cheering me on - too many to name. You know who you are. Thanks so much for:
  • editing, 
  • sharing thoughts and ideas, 
  • repeatedly inquiring how things are going with the book, 
  • pre-ordering it, 
  • helping to promote it
  • any kind deed you did throughout this publishing journey  
Your emails, blog comments and phone calls were the wind in my sails. They helped keep my eyes on the goal and I was able to submit my manuscript before the deadline. Now that the book is released some other emotions surface; excitement for sure, but mixed with some trepidations. It's been rewarding to hear all positive feedback from people who've read it.
Sitting at my computer, writing and revising, I never gave much thought to the fact that I eventually will have to let my project go. I remember the final edits, it sometimes seemed I will never be done. So we had a number of 'final edits'. I found it difficult to stop tinkering and just tell myself, "Enough already and send it in." Letting go just wasn't easy. 

I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the book. You can email me or leave a comment anytime. I would really appreciate it, if you'd also post your review on places like Amazon and Goodreads.

To celebrate the release of Hutterite Diaries, I'm having a giveaway. Just leave a comment along with your email address, (so I can notify you) and you will be entered in a draw, which will take place on May the 25th. Winner will be chosen via and announced here as well.

There's another chance for you to try to win my book. After leaving a comment here, just hop on over to Goodreads to enter. Good luck!


  1. I'm looking forward to reading your book, and as a student, I'd love to win a copy :-)
    kate_e_jones (at) yahoo (dot) ca

  2. Congratulations! I know the feeling of editing a book, and finally having to say, "Enough!" ... even if it still seems a little rough around the edges.

  3. Congratulations Linda for achieving your dream. Looking forward to reading the book. - Shaun

  4. Linda,
    We ordered copies of your book but I would love to have my own copy too. So here's wishing me luck.:) But more important than that is this: I hope your book is successful and that this one is just a start!

  5. Ich habe das neue Buch noch nicht gelesen,bin überzeugt, es wird gut. Wie das Buch "Lindas glücklicher Tag". Es ist ein Kinderbuch aber sehr zu empfehlen für groß und klein. Ich bin 50 Jahre und komme aus Deutschland. Den glücklichen Tag habe ich schon sehr oft gelesen, denn: "Sind wir nicht alle Kinder?" Ich wünsche Linda viel Erfolg mit dem neuen Buch und euch allen viel Freude beim Lesen.
    Lutz & Antje aus Deutschland

  6. Hi Linda. I wasn't even aware that a book was in the works! But I love the pictures you are able to draw with words, and look forward to reading your book.
    Jennifer @ Netley

  7. I love my Hutterite history and hearing each ones individual stories. alanneNOSPACEschellenbergTHEatSIGNgmailDOTcom

  8. Congratulations Linda, hope you book is successful. I can't wait to read your book.

  9. Congratulations on the lovely book and I can't wait to read it.

  10. Awesome! Can't wait to read it :)

  11. I look forward to reading this book. My email

  12. Don't enter me because I bought a copy, but I wanted to pop by to tell you congrats and I can't wait to finish it. Have a great day ~

  13. Congratulations Linda and great job on the book! It's wonderful to work with you as well :)

  14. Congratulations on your book. Looking forward to reading it.

  15. Hi Linda,
    I have been interested in Huttertite and Amish history and their way of life. I love to read and learn about them. I love to visit my family who live in Lancaster, PA to see these beautiful people. I met a Huttertite in Montana years ago. I never knew about them before. Makes me hungry for more history. Would love to read your book.

  16. Hey, id like to read that book.

  17. Would Love to read your book!!!

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Would love to have a chance to read this. Congratulations on it

  20. Can't wait to read it.

  21. Marilyn Waldner21 May 2015 at 14:06

    Congrats, I can'y wait to read your book.

  22. Congratulations! I look forward to reading the book. I am currently writing my dissertation on entrepreneurship within communities and have been researching a number of Hutterite communities. Much of what you have written about the struggles to manage technology resonates with my research.

  23. Got a glimpse of it when I visited a few days ago. Looks like a good read.

  24. I'd love to read (and own!) a book about Hutterites, written by a Hutterite:).

  25. WhooHoo, Congrats! Can't wait to read this book.

    KayLee from NY

  26. Stefania Truth4 May 2016 at 19:50

    I'd love to win:) It looks like a super interesting book.
    Stefania from Tasmania, Australia

    1. Sorry, Stefanie, this draw if from last year.


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