
Thursday, 18 December 2014

School-Made Christmas Gifts

Second last day of school before our two week Christmas break. We had our school program last evening - we started our German and English songs, recitations, reader's theaters, and boom whackers and tone chime selections at five.Than had supper at the school right after. Lovely, lovely evening!

Today we finished our pine cone decorations - gifts for every family on our colony. They too, turned out very nicely, if I do say so myself. But don't take my word for it, see for yourself:


Thank you for providing us with pine cones, Serena!!

Wishing all my Blog, Twitter and Facebook followers, 
a Blessed Christmas and New Year!


  1. Linda!! Those are SO CUTE! How are they held together on the back, with Tacky Glue or something? I'd love to Pin this on Pinterest, any tips for the how-to? Thanks ~ Beth Russo

  2. Thanks, Beth! We used a hot glue gun to them together. And what you see on the front is similar to the other side. So they can hang and both sides are pretty. The decorations are attached with a glue gun as well.

  3. Thanks also to Ruth Maendel for providing pinecones!

  4. Oh, sorry Ruth! Didn't know that some were from you as well...or else I forgot in the bustle of the season.

  5. These are well done and beautiful.


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