
Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Tall, Bare and Striking

Last post I said 'we're into the grey and dreary days of late fall.' And it's true, for the most part. However, yesterday as I walked home form school, I was reminded that this time of year can have some striking scenes as well. Here are some pictures to prove my point. This scene changed in mere minutes...and it was overcast again. In the second picture you can see how the shadows are not as sharp anymore. I wish I would have taken two pictures of the second shot. It was magical how quickly the scene changed from striking to...well, not so striking, (for lack of a better term) as clouds moved in front of the sun behind me.

I love the trees against the dark sky in this picture and the long shadows of the trees behind me. It's strange
how at first glance, they seem to be the shadows of the row of poplars along the road.

 I feel like making a poster with that one.

and today, we're into grey again


  1. That first one is a great composition and color. Especially if the house part was cropped off the edge. The foreground trees frame things nicely.
    Have a great day, Mike

  2. Thanks, Mike! Yes, that house does spoil things, doesn't it? I didn't even notice it as I was taking the picture and all to soon, with clouds moving in, the moment was gone. But, yes, it could be cropped.


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