
Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Snapshot Muse #17 - Mighty Ocean Teach Me

I love this picture, because it captures so much and brings back some wonderful Europe trip memories, some of which the two dear friends in the picture helped make. With the camera and trying to get the best shot of the ship we're passing, is Kathy - was typical to see her aiming her lens at many, many, scenic, historical or interesting places and wonderful friends. And she has some fabulous photos to show for it, some of which she generously shared with me. Beside her, fun-loving Feliz from Turkey, one of our Hannover classmates. (Kathy und Feliz, meine nette Freundinnen, hoffentlich ist es OK mit euch, dass ich dieses Foto hier benutze.) On that day our class took a trip to Hamburg, where our first stop was the harbour, which was bustling with people.  The Hamburg Harbour actually holds some Hutterite history - here the Hutterites boarded the Hammonia in 1874, in the hopes of finding a better life in America.

Our teacher had bought tickets to take us on an amazing hour-long boat ride. The weather was perfect to be on the water - beautiful breeze and sunshine glistening on the water, which, as you can see, my trusty BlackBerry captured splendidly! Along the way we passed The Queen Mary, docked and waiting for her next voyage. I did not enjoy the streets of Hamburg as much, though - too many people!! So by evening I was good and ready to take the train back to a much quieter Hannover.

The Queen Mary - Photo courtesy of Kathy Waldner 

Today's song to go with the pictures, a stanza from, 'Evening Star Up Yonder'.

Mighty ocean teach me, to do the task that needs me.
And reflect as days depart, heaven's peace within my heart.
Mighty ocean teach me.

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