
Wednesday, 5 February 2014

Snapshot Muse #6 - Weil Ich Jesus Schäflein Bin

For this week's snapshot muse, I can't help
but use four photos. I'm sure you totally understand why -they're all too cute to leave them off this post!! (And no, it has nothing to do with the fact that he's 'reading' one of my Hutterischa Bibl Tschichtlen, well almost nothing.)

Most of you know by now, this is my sweet nephew, Jakobi and he loves books. I caught him with this one and managed to take all four of these shots without him noticing. Must be quite the book! The photo to the right is my favourite - seems like some heavy content he has to take in. Well sure, those are Old Testament stories.

My song to go along with this post is, 'Weil ich Jesu Schäflein bin'. It's the first song I thought of when I started this post, and most Hutterite children learn  it at a young age. I was also pleasantly surprised to find it on You Tube. And aside from all that, no question, this little boy is a sweet, cuddly and adorable lamb.

Did I say, he's my nephew?


  1. Linda, absolutely precious, beautiful photos.

  2. You MUST enlarge and frame that second pic where he seems to be thinking such deep "Old Testament" thoughts. I agree - there is much there to ponder, some of which I'll never understand. When I find a quote worthy of that pic, I'll send it your way. Lovely entry!

  3. Thanks, Jennifer. I agree, that one is the best one of them all and should be enlarged. Looking forward to seeing the quote...if you happen to find one.


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