
Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Winter Windows

Since we're a school that practices and promotes recycling, we always keep our eyes open for new and exciting re-purposing ideas. Recently, though we used an older method of reusing the pictures from old wall calendars. They're always too pretty to throw out, so we have all our families send them to school, where we try to give them a new life. We made winter windows and have them displayed on our hallway bulletin board.

Clearing the Road

The River

Oh Deer!

Hazy Morning

Winter Blanket

Winter Wonders



Hoar Frost Days

Winter Job

Do you have any ideas about what to do with old wall calendars, that you'd like to share? I'd love to hear them! We still have tons of pretty calender pictures around that we'd like to put to good use. 

Which one of these is your favourite? My students would love to know what you think.


  1. I pick the Sunset, although they are all beautiful.

  2. My favourite calendar picture was serenity, but my favourite window scenes were the ones with the tractors! I guess because it is always such a welcome sight to see the snow clearing crew, esp with this latest batch of winter weather...

    We've used calendar pictures as backgrounds for collages and added stickers and embellishments to make new scenes like Easter Morning, collected pictures in themes and put them into binders to make books, such as Animals of NorthAmerica, or cut them into pieces to make puzzles which we can reuse (if laminated) or glue the scene back together, sometimes combining two or more scenes to create an interesting effect or a "what's wrong with this picture" activity. A favourite early puzzle for my children was a calendar picture glued to a sanded board and cut into 12 large easy-to-handle interlocking pieces.

  3. Thanks so much, Anonymous! Those are all great ideas! I'm looking forward to trying some of them.

  4. I think "Oh Deer" is my favorite, but I really like all of them and this is the cutest idea ever! I love the idea of using old calendars, also. Maybe another thing you could do with them is cut them in pieces and make a puzzle. I don't know if laminating the pages, or gluing them to cardstock or something might make them hold up better for something like that. SO cute!

  5. Great idea, I will try to do this too. I like the names of the scenes which could be a lesson in itself.

  6. What a great idea! i love the sunset one, but they are all great!

  7. They can make beautiful envelopes. Take apart used ones for a pattern--small ones for small calenders and etc. I used double-sided tape instead of glue for putting them together. Our dollar store had the tape. Use plain or colored labels for the place to write the address.

    1. I've done that, too, Anon. So, I know that is great idea.


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