
Friday, 4 January 2013

Jingle Bells...

...Oh, what fun it is to ride in two-horse' open sleigh...or in this case wagon.

As part of our school fun stuff before the Christmas break, we had a neighbour come and give us a sleigh ride. Needless to say, it was a load of fun! Here we are just getting ready to leave.

This is Manitoba, where it can get quite cold. And this was one of those days, but we were all bundled up and cuddled close to each other, we managed to stay snug and warm and very happy!

We took some of the younger, not yet school aged children along as well. Behind this scarf is my nephew, Jakobi. He loved it, but by the time we got back, he had a hard time staying awake, since this is his usual naptime.

"I can't believe they're making me walk, when all I want to do is sleep."
 and a few more happy faces


  1. What great fun! I would love to go on a ride like that one day. We don't get snow down here, so for now, I will have to just enjoy it through your pics.

  2. What fun. It has been a very long time since I had a ride in a 1 or 2 horse open sleigh..or wagon. Jakobi
    is precious all bundled up.

  3. That looks like fun. I love the snow but I'm seldom out in it, except to go from my car to the store or something. Being led around by those horses I bet was a hoot!! Great pictures ~


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