
Monday, 5 November 2012

What do you think this Object is?

We're going to have a little fun with this one, before I post the story that goes with it. I've heard a few interesting answers over the years and am eager to hear more. I've known what this is all my life and find it interesting what others, who've never seen anything like this, come up with.
Your turn, what do you think it is?


  1. Hmmmm...this is tough. A holder for a darning egg? A cute little toy football? You've got me!

  2. I know what it is but won't spoil it for everybody, but Jakobi says it's "Nana Ott (Grandma's place)"

  3. Looks like a super cozy hot water bottle cover! :)

  4. A hat doubling as a football case? :)

  5. These answers are getting better all the time! I want to hear some more! (-:

  6. I'm with Karen on this one, won't spoil it for the others, but my mom still has one, :-)

  7. Very curious. I would guess a pin cushion.

  8. A few other guesses I've heard were: Christmas tree ornament (would have never thought of that, but yeah, makes sense) and a toy for a cat. I'm sure any kitty would love it, but that's not it.


Thanks for stopping by my blog and for sharing your thoughts!!