
Monday, 19 November 2012

Brennan School - Bag Up Manitoba Winners

Back in September I told you about Bag Up Manitoba, a school program hosted by Take Pride Winnipeg. During the month of October schools sign up to collect plastic bags to be recycled... For a list of all winning schools click here.

Here at brennan School, we're delighted that we are once again in the winner circle. The 20,140 bags we collected won us another park bench! There are now three of these beautiful, sturdy benches at our school. We also got two birdhouse, (made partly with plastic) for participating. I would strongly recommend for any school to take part next year. It's a excellent way to teach children about recycling! And all students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 can take part.

We'll be having a draw for all our students to determine who will win the two birdhouses.

Thank You Take pride Winnipeg and Trex for sponsoring this wonderful program! And thanks to everyone who helped us collect bags!

You're only seeing part of them.

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