
Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Recycling - From Swatches to Quilt

Many Hutterites are avid quilters and their handiwork is evident in the masterpieces they produce. My sister, Shirley is one of them. I always marvel at the amount of patience, expertise and time each quilt requires and how much these crafty ladies enjoy doing it. I can sew, but don't like to, so therefore would not attempt a major project like this. However, I admire everybody who does. I'd much rather recieve one of these cozy beauties as a gift. And thanks to Shirley, I did. With my favourite colour as a guide and without me knowing anything about it, she lovingly made this gorgeous quilt for my birthday.

This pattern is known as Crazy Quilt, (click on link for directions on how to make one). It's a great way to turn leftover swatches into something useful - even the smallest pieces can be used. Because Hutterites sew most of their own clothes, there's no lack of quilting material in every household.

I know there are quite a few Hutterites following this blog. Do you have any recycle/reuse ideas you'd like to share? Even if it's just something like reusing your Tim Hortons' cup. I've heard from a number of people doing that. No, we don't picked them up from the street or other places, just the ones we drank from. (-: It actually works to wash them and reuse them. Good old Timmy would probably love us for giving their cup a second chance at holding coffee.

If you have a wonderful idea, but are too shy to leave a comment, just send me an email using the 'contact me' button to the right of this post. Would love to hear from you!


  1. I never could make myself buy material to cut up to make quilts, but made them with scrap material.

  2. That is a gorgeous quilt! I am a new follower :)

  3. Thanks a lot Shelly! And welcome to my blog. Happy to have you follow!

  4. Oh the quilt is lovely! I admire that patience, too.

    I recycle Christmas cards, cutting out small pieces to use for next year's tags on gifts.

  5. That's a good idea, Jeanette. We sometimes make new cards with ours.

  6. I had the king size one that my mother made from mine and my siblings old clothes. Some of the clothes were ones that she actually made with the sewing machine that I still have.

  7. momsmom, I'm sure there are many happy memories wrapped in your old clothes quilt. Great idea!


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