Let us be grateful to people who make us happy.
they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.
- Marcel Proust
I found this quote on a wall calender that a dear freind gave me for Christmas last year. (Thanks, Elaine!) I thought it would be a fitting opener to my Thanksgiving post. It's always good to have an attitude of gratitude - when we focus on our blessings, and let people know how much we appreciate their kind deeds, we have less time to dwell on the not so positive aspects of life.

One recent December, at age 53, John Kralik found his life at a terrible, frightening low: his small law firm was failing; he was struggling through a painful second divorce; he had grown distant from his two older children and was afraid he might lose contact with his young daughter; he was living in a tiny apartment where he froze in the winter and baked in the summer; he was 40 pounds overweight; his girlfriend had just broken up with him; and overall, his dearest life dreams--including hopes of upholding idealistic legal principles and of becoming a judge--seemed to have slipped beyond his reach.
But then, after receiving a thank you note for a Christmas gift he had given a friend, he was inspired to write a thank you note everyday of the coming new year. He opted to go with the handwritten, postman delivered notes. It wasn't smooth sailing, or mailing in this case. Sometimes he forgot, other times he found it challenging to think of who to thank next. But, he never gave up and got quite creative with his thank you notes. It changed his life, simply because, this act of gratitude had him focus on the things he still had, as opposed to the things he'd lost.
Here in Canada we celebrate Thanksgiving in October, which this year falls on Monday, October the 8th. On that note, I'm going to count the blessings of my little writing tablet in cyber space.
I love to read, write and share my writing with others, which can also be summed up as blogging; no doubt also one of my blessings. Besides maintaining my blog, I get to enjoy the posts of fellow bloggers. Thus, being inspired and having the opportunity to learn from people around the globe. I have no idea who all reads my musings, but I do know there are many of you. Your visits, comments and emails are the inspiration that keep my fingers on the keys that help bring you my posts. Thank you for taking an interest in my writing and my Hutterite way of life. I don't respond to every comment, but I read and appreciate them all.
Many of you come here on a regular basis, allowing me to speak to you, sharing your thoughts with me, and it seems I know you even though we've never met. Others have kindly helped me with various blogging issues from time to time. Some have even shared of their knowledge for various research projects I've worked on. I'm very grateful for this blog camaraderie, knowing that you've played a beautiful part in making my blog into what it is today.
I also appreciate that I have the opportunity to review books for Booksneeze, Tyndale and Graf Martin Communications! Besides sharing my reviews with my readers, publishers offer me free books for an honest review, which I in turn share with others through the adult library at our school. I've read many amazing books through these programs! Thank You!
A Blessed Thanksgiving to you, no matter when you celebrate this holiday!
Give thanks to the Lord,
for he is good; his love endures forever.
Psalm 107:1
Beautiful post, Linda! I wish you and your family and community a wonderful Thanksgiving~ Love from our family to all of you.
ReplyDeleteThank you, Nicole! We're planning a wonderful family supper. After the snow earlier this week, we're back to beautiful weather.