
Saturday, 16 June 2012

Happy Father's Day!

This year June the 17th is dedicated to celebrate Fathers. Thus, many families will do just that - maybe gather for a family meal or go on a trip together. Some who live far from their dad may send a card or gift. However you choose to commemorate this day, I wish you a day blessed with the joy of making new memories. Treasure the times you're given to spend with your dad and soak up the life lessons he's teaching you. Someday memories may all you have left of him.

In honour of my Dad and Grandpa, who've gone to be with Jesus, I'd like to share some stories that you may already have read. both are in this blog: Weathered Wood Lessons and Life Lessons from Grandpa. Enjoy!

For every dad reading this: Enjoy your day! Here's a song for you: 'Daddy, Will you be There for me?' by the Esch Family. Nine members of this family died in a traffic accident March 2010.

What are your plans for Father's Day? 


  1. Linda,
    Thanks, as a father of 3 and grandfather of 4 I enjoy the Esxh family before I was off the church. Have a great week.

  2. "I don't care if you're rich or poor, I just want to have your heart.."
    So, true...thank you for sharing this beautiful song, Linda.

  3. It is a beautiful song. Our High School choir sang it for our Sunday noon meal.


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