
Thursday, 3 May 2012

Hutterites and Hobbies - quilts

My sister, Shirley is an avid quilter and has created many gorgeous quilts over the years. Here are just a few of them. Some of these were gifts to family and friends. She's also donated some for fundraising events in our area. My favourites are the Barcello Border ones, especially the green one.


  1. These are all beautiful. I think I would choose the green one for my bed.

  2. i love love love the lavendar/blue quilt! mmm beautiful!
    TY for sharing these works of art and heart! :)

    hoping you've enjoyed The Guardian Duke ¬ now drop by FHC and enter for book 2 THe Forgiven Duke ;) open only til May 8

  3. I LOVE the second one (lavender). Does she use a quilting frame or a sewing machine? I am guessing u would need an extra big sewing machine, right? how long does it take her to do one? or does she have quiltings w/ the other ladies?

  4. can I re-post ur photo's on my blog so i can do a post about quilting? I will say they are ur sister's quilts.

  5. Plaingirl, she mostly quilts by machine. How long it takes depends on the pattern, could be anything from a day to a week or so. She uses an Elna Quilter's Dream. Yes, you may repost the pictures.

  6. what is an Elna Quilter's Dream? where can u get one? I would love to learn to quilt. my husband's friend\s wife just had a baby and I would love to make them a crib quilt;)
    I have plain friend who use a quilting frame.
    How do I copy your photo's? (i am kinda newish to blogger;) )

  7. It's a sewing machine, Plaingirl. I guess you can buy it wherever Elna machines are sold. Perhaps you can google and find out. I'll email you the pictures, but please send me your email address using the 'contact me' in the sidebars.

  8. She's very talented...I think the last one is very unique. These make me wonder if there are specific designs, patterns, or fabrics that are common among Hutterite quilters.

  9. Monica, Hutterites use any fabric, design or pattern they like. But perhaps, some quilters have perferences - e.g. my sister like barcello borders. As you can see, however, she does other patterns as well.


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